
Thursday, February 6, 2014

A conversation about apples & treating cancer

Health Benefits of Apples: The First Superfood!

Last Modified on Dec 03, 2013
Must we even say it? Alright, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" There, it's been said, now will you finally believe it? Apples truly are filled with the best of nature's goodness--fiber and minerals, phytochemicals and probiotics, vitamins and so much more!
Pectin -- When it gets down to it, pectin might be the most important part of the apple. It is a soluble fiber that helps the body's digestive tract work efficiently. It also binds to cholesterol, sweeping excess fatty acids out of the body so that they do not clog the circulatory system. The apple as a whole is terrific for overall heart health!
Apples also offer antioxidants, including a substantial dose of Vitamin C. Moreover, the boron and flavonoids in apples have been found to help improve bone strength. Studies have found that apples reduce the risk of several types of cancer, and diabetics may even be able to enjoy the sweet treat in good health, as certain apple components reduce the body's need for insulin.
Take a bit out of that!

Apples and Pectin

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YEA (1)
[YEA]  06/18/2007: Matt from Geelong West, Australia: "Much is made of the remedy inherent in Apples. It is not the apple that is so beneficial. It is the pectin in the skin of the apple. My grandmother taught me to grate the apple and eat the SKIN only to increase the potency of the cure!"

Apples Cure Sinus Congestion

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YEA (1)
[YEA]  04/18/2006: Kera from Washington, DC: "I have IBS and when I'm really stressed it flares up. So, lately I've been eating apples for regular fiber intake. In the last 4 days I've had...8 apples. After my second apple today I noticed that my sinuses were draining. In the 8 hours between my second and third apple the drainage diminished. But after eating apple #3 my sinuses began draining again and I had a sort of itchy feeling in the back of my mouth from the drainage. Is it possible that I've had a similar reaction to just eating apples rather than drinking the Apple Cider Vinegar?"
12/03/2013: Christina from Austin, Tx replies: "I just happened to stumble upon this forum because I am currently sick and discovered that eating an apple helped to relieve the congestion, so I was curious if it was common knowledge. The itchy feeling at the back of your throat may have been related to acid reflux. After reading your post I may limit how many I eat at a time because I have suffered from really bad acid reflux in the past. Thank you for posting. This information should be very helpful."


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YEA (1)
[YEA]  04/08/2008: Doris from Santa Ana, CA USA: "Have always drank lots of coffee w/sugars, syrups, dairy. This year, bloating began. Starting reading about stomach and bile and acid-sugar-alkaline balances and how stomach, gall bladder, liver, small intestines deal with it. Found your apple juice, acv info. ACV was a bit harsh last week, at 1 tsp each acv w/slight honey or water. This week bloating was very uncomfortable to point of constant distraction. Found on your site to take avc or apple juice or eat an apple to regulate acid balance. Took lots of antacids today, no help, bloating was worse. Ate a very small apple at 9pm tonite and 20 minutes later, bloating almost ALL GONE. Had the rest and feel like a million. Thank you for this site teaching me what to revise in my diet, to fix these things."


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YEA (1)
[YEA]  10/10/2013: Llb0987 from Howell, Michigan: "Apples for bursitis and arthritis: I had terrible bursitis for the last two years but for the first time I am getting some significant relief. This year there was a bumper crop of apples in Michigan because there were not any last year due to the frosts. They are all over the road and in all of the backyards. I have been eating several per day from our trees which have never done well in previous years. I tried apple cider vinegar and lots of supplements but this is what seems to be the best cure, and best of all, it is free to anyone in Michigan who wants it. If you live somewhere else, get hold of the freshest and most organic apples you can find. Spots don't matter. You can always cut them out of the apples."


11/13/2010: Bill In Calgary from Calgary, Alberta: "Eat the WHOLE apple, core, seeds (especially the seeds). Only the stem should be tossed. If eating the core is annoying (a couple of my friends hate it when the membrane gets in their teeth). Try quartering it. It takes a little time to "learn" how to chew the core. Probably because we have been "brainwashed" to throw it away. I'm not a health expert by any means. (Just interested in better health like everyone here) My information on apple seeds is second-hand, so I followed it up with a little on-line research, and can only find good things about apple seeds. The biggest claim is that the seed contains laetrile, and cyanide. Apparently the laetrile, allows the cyanide to enter cancerous cells and kill them. The gentleman who told me about this told a story (sorry, can't substantiate), of a terminally ill cancer patient who in an act of desperation, cored two cases of apple seeds and subsequently died. Not from cyanide poisoning but from liver failure, due to his liver being overwhelmed by dead cancer cells. True or not, the extra fibre can't hurt."


08/17/2012: Mozhgan from Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia: "Dear friends, I am just wondering if anybody knows how to get rid of WAX on an APPLE without peeling the skin? I have already used 1tbs ACV 1tbs BS in a boal of water, and scrubbing the apple, but didn't work. Also to soak apple into hot water for 10 secounds, didn't work.
TQ in advance."
08/17/2012: Wendy from Columbus, Oh/USA replies: "I googled this and found the following:
1) I'm definitely NOT promoting the waxing of fruit/veggies, but per this one link, "Waxing apples allows them to be picked earlier and stored longer, ".... "A side effect [of earlier picking] is that there are fewer minerals and vitamins. The peels and seeds (for the few of us who eat them) are the most vitamin-rich parts of the apple. So I don't recommend peeling the apples. A tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of baking soda can be added to a sinkful of water to make a good scrubbing solution. This can remove the wax and any pesticides which might be trapped underneath it."
2) You can us an environmentally friendly, non-toxic fruit/veggie wash that is very cheap and lasts a long time. There are various brands out there. I use it regularly and it gets all the wax and pesticides off."
08/17/2012: Lisa from Jax, Fl replies: "I use a vegetable fruit wash ____ it works great. One of the main ingredients is Vegetable glycerin. Don't know if you can find this product in your country."
08/18/2012: Healthnut from Lawrenceville, Ga replies: "Equal parts vinegar and water sprayed on fruits and veggies (let stand for 2 minutes) will get wax and pesticides off."


Approval Ratings
YEA (1)
[YEA]  04/05/2008: Maria from Houston, TX: "I suffer from all kinds of gastro ailments. One night i couldn't sleep with the heartburn. The prevacid wasn't helping at that point and i felt very bad. I remembered I had read about apples for heartburn, and I thought, "what is there to lose." right after eating the apple I fell sound asleep! Thought someone might find this of interest."

Sinus Infections

Approval Ratings
YEA (1)
[YEA]  02/22/2008: Gislain from Phoenix, AZ: "Earlier this week, I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection in the back of my throat and was prescribed antibiotics...which was a hit to my health ego because I eat well but somehow caught this bug. Along with this, I developed this awful sinus infection. Horrible headaches, watery eyes, no sleep, and non-stop discomfort accompanied this! I went to the health food store and bought some nasal spray and sublingual sinus relief tablets, both of which didn't work. While suffering at work, I came across this web site and read about Apple Cider Vinegar. While excited to try this for my Sinus infection, I ate an apple as a snack. Within an hour, my sinus symptoms decreased by 60%. When I came home, I had some ACV with water and within another hour, the symptoms decreased some more. Right now, it's almost time for bed and my Sinus Infection is 90% gone and just three hours ago, I was suffering!! The apple helped and the ACV sealed the deal on this Sinus stuff! Awesome!"

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