
Monday, July 15, 2013

Read These Old Indian Cancer Cures

Old Indian Cancer Cures

Contrary to popular belief, cancer is genetically recessive, rather than dominant, according to Professor Henry Harris of Oxford University (1969). Professor Harris proved previous theories wrong, shaking the scientific community to its core. He took normal tissue cells and fused three different types of cancer cells to them. He did this thinking that the cancer cells would overtake the healthy cells and convert them into cancer cells. Instead, they grew as they normally would. Have a question? Get an answer from a Medical Professional now!

Native American Cancer Research

  • Native American Cancer Research (NACR) is a community-based American Indian-operated, non-profit organization that has worked with Native American cancer patients for the past 20 years. Additionally, the National Native American Cancer Survivors' Support Network has been compiling data for years.

Essiac Cure

  • Essiac is an herbal cancer remedy, which has been used for over 50 years to treat various forms of terminal cancer. According to Johns Hopkins University, a person with cancer has multiple deficiencies. Chemotherapy involves the poisoning of rapidly growing cancer cells. Chemotherapy is essentially a "toxic burden" and when the body has had too much, the immune system becomes compromised.
    Essiac can be drunk as a tea to cure cancer. It is compromised of four different herbs, two of which are well known for killing cancer (sheep sorrel and burdock root). The other two herbs in the tea help build a strong immune system while protecting the organs. Although the main ingredients of Essiac are well known, the precise proportions are not disclosed. Essiac is believed to derive from a Canadian Ojibway formula. Sheep sorrel has been used for over 200 years to fight cancer.

The Hoxsey Therapy

  • Harry Hoxsey reportedly cured many cancer patients for years. He was a self-proclaimed natural healer who died in 1974. The Hoxsey Cancer Clinic was located in Dallas, Texas and was among the world's largest private cancer centers, with branches in 17 states. In 1960, the clinic was shut down. Three years later, Hoxsey's trusted RN, Mildred Nelson, moved the clinic to Tijuana, Mexico. Today, the clinic is called the Bio-Medical Center and continues to treat all types of cancers. Hoxsey treated external cancers with a red paste made of bloodroot, a native American plant. The rootstock of bloodroot, a spring-blooming flower, contains an alkaloid, sanguinarine, that has powerful anti-tumor properties.

1 comment:

  1. Essiac is really very effective but still it is not approved by FDA as an alternative to cure any disease but it is very effective to enhance our immunity that may helpful to combat any illness. For more information about ESSIAC visit at
