
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Marijuana Vs Cancer The Real Truth

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Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974

No time to read? Every bit of the information here is included in this new video:
Brain tumor healed:
Skin cancer cured:
Recent findings
  • January 2010 Marijuana Components Fight Brain Cancer
  • From Compultense University, Madrid
    April 2009 Cannabinoid action induces autophagy-mediated cell death
    “…These findings describe a mechanism by which THC can promote the autophagic death of human and mouse cancer cells and provide evidence that cannabinoid administration may be an effective therapeutic strategy for targeting human cancers”
    The most censored news story of the decade!  Message
    from Rob Robinson and Jen Rog of Damn Sam Productions
    Visit Rick Simpson’s website for
    more on cannabis as a cancer cure
    Pot Shrinks Tumors, Government Knew in ’74
    Raymond CushingAlterNet
    Originally posted May 31, 2000
    The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February 2000 when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis.
    The Madrid study marks only the second time that THC has been administered to tumor-bearing animals; the first was a Virginia investigation 26 years ago. In both studies, the THC shrank or destroyed tumors in a majority of the test subjects.
    Most Americans don’t know anything about the Madrid discovery. Virtually no U.S. newspapers carried the story, which ran only once on the AP and UPI news wires, on Feb. 29.
    The ominous part is that this isn’t the first time scientists have discovered that THC shrinks tumors. In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.
    The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research, according to Jack Herer, who reports on the events in his book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes“. In 1976President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out — unsuccessfully — to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the “high.”
    The Madrid researchers reported in the March issue of “Nature Medicine” that they injected the brains of 45 rats with cancer cells, producing tumors whose presence they confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On the 12th day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with Win-55,212-2 a synthetic compound similar to THC.
    “All the rats left untreated uniformly died 12-18 days after glioma (brain cancer) cell inoculation … Cannabinoid (THC)-treated rats survived significantly longer than control rats. THC administration was ineffective in three rats, which died by days 16-18. Nine of the THC-treated rats surpassed the time of death of untreated rats, and survived up to 19-35 days. Moreover, the tumor was completely eradicated in three of the treated rats.” The rats treated with Win-55,212-2 showed similar results.
    The Spanish researchers, led by Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense University, also irrigated healthy rats’ brains with large doses of THC for seven days, to test for harmful biochemical or neurological effects. They found none.
    “Careful MRI analysis of all those tumor-free rats showed no sign of damage related to necrosis, edema, infection or trauma … We also examined other potential side effects of cannabinoid administration. In both tumor-free and tumor-bearing rats, cannabinoid administration induced no substantial change in behavioral parameters such as motor coordination or physical activity. Food and water intake as well as body weight gain were unaffected during and after cannabinoid delivery. Likewise, the general hematological profiles of cannabinoid-treated rats were normal. Thus, neither biochemical parameters nor markers of tissue damage changed substantially during the 7-day delivery period or for at least 2 months after cannabinoid treatment ended.”
    Guzman’s investigation is the only time since the 1974 Virginia study that THC has been administered to live tumor-bearing animals. (The Spanish researchers cite a 1998 study in which cannabinoids inhibited breast cancer cell proliferation, but that was a “petri dish” experiment that didn’t involve live subjects.)
    In an email interview for this story, the Madrid researcher said he had heard of the Virginia study, but had never been able to locate literature on it. Hence, the Nature Medicine article characterizes the new study as the first on tumor-laden animals and doesn’t cite the 1974 Virginia investigation.
    “I am aware of the existence of that research. In fact I have attempted many times to obtain the journal article on the original investigation by these people, but it has proven impossible.” Guzman said.
    In 1983 the Reagan/Bush Administration tried to persuade American universities and researchers to destroy all 1966-76 cannabis research work, including compendiums in libraries, reports Jack Herer, who states, “We know that large amounts of information have since disappeared.”
    Guzman provided the title of the work — “Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids,” an article in a 1975 Journal of the National Cancer Institute — and this writer obtained a copy at the UC medical school library in Davis and faxed it to Madrid.
    The summary of the Virginia study begins, “Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN)” — two types of cannabinoids, a family of active components in marijuana. “Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and CBN had reduced primary tumor size.”
    The 1975 journal article doesn’t mention breast cancer tumors, which featured in the only newspaper story ever to appear about the 1974 study — in the Local section of the Washington Post on August 18, 1974. Under the headline, “Cancer Curb Is Studied,” it read in part:
    “The active chemical agent in marijuana curbs the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice and may also suppress the immunity reaction that causes rejection of organ transplants, a Medical College of Virginia team has discovered.” The researchers “found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”
    Guzman, writing from Madrid, was eloquent in his response after this writer faxed him the clipping from the Washington Post of a quarter century ago. In translation, he wrote:
    “It is extremely interesting to me, the hope that the project seemed to awaken at that moment, and the sad evolution (lastimosa evolucion) of events during the years following the discovery, until now we once again draw back the veil over the anti-tumoral power of THC, twenty-five years later. Unfortunately, the world bumps along between such moments of hope and long periods of intellectual castration.”
    News coverage of the Madrid discovery has been virtually nonexistent in this country. The news broke quietly on Feb. 29, [2000] with a story that ran once on the UPI wire about the Nature Medicine article. This writer stumbled on it through a link that appeared briefly on the Drudge Report web page.
    The New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times all ignored the story, even though its newsworthiness is indisputable:
    a benign substance occurring in nature destroys deadly brain tumors.
    Of all interest groups, the Pharmaceutical Industry
    has the highest number of lobbyists  in DC;
    Two for every Congressperson.
    Cannabis has in total… one.
    Here is a reprint of this story as told by Paul Armentano,
    senior policy analyst for the NORML Foundation in Washington, DC. Source

    Unlocking a Cure for Cancer – With Pot

    by Paul Armentano August 17, 2004
    Who could imagine that cannabis might one day offer hope as a cure for cancer? The United States government, that’s who.
    For the past 30 years, U.S. officials have willfully ignored clinical research indicating that marijuana can inhibit the growth of certain type of malignant tumors. However, the recent publication of a trio of clinical studies and a pair of scientific reviews have effectively blown the lid off “Cancergate,” and revealed that pot’s medical value may be far greater than ever presumed.
    Last year, five scientific journals published prominent articles trumpeting cannabinoids (compounds in marijuana) as potential anti-cancer agents.
    These include:
    • Clinical trial data published in January 2003 issue of the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Investigation that found cannabinoids significantly inhibit skin tumor growth in mice. Investigators of the study concluded, “The present data indicate that local cannabinoids administration may constitute an alternative therapeutic approach for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer.”
    • Clinical trial data published in the March 2003 issue of The FASEB Journalthat found that the “local administration of a non-psychoactive cannabinoid inhibits angiogenesis (tissue growth) of malignant gliomas (brain tumors).”
    • A clinical review in the October 2003 issue of the prestigious journalNature Reviews Cancer that concluded that cannabinoids’ “favorable drug safety profile” and proven ability to inhibit tumor growth make them desirable agents in the treatment of cancer. According to the review’s author, tumors inhibited by cannabinoids include: lung carcinoma, glioma, thyroid epithelioma, lymphoma/leukemia, skin carcinoma, uterus carcinoma, breast carcinoma, prostate carcinoma, and neuroblastoma (a malignant tumor originating in the autonomic nervous system or the adrenal medulla and occurring chiefly in infants and young children).
    • Clinical trial data published in the November 2003 issue of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that found the administration of the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) inhibits the growth of human glioma cells both in vitro (e.g., a petri dish) and in animals in a dose-dependent manner. Investigators concluded, “Non-psychoactive CBD produce[s] a significant antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent (something which prevents the growth of malignant cells.)”
    • And finally, a clinical review in the December 2003 issue of the journalExpert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets that summarized “the demonstrated antitumor actions of cannabinoids,” and elaborated on “possible avenues for the future development of cannabinoids as antitumor agents.”
    Despite these stunning findings, media coverage of them in North America has been virtually non-existent. As noted by Richard Cowan, editor of the website, “The New York TimesThe Washington Post and Los Angeles Times all ignored this story, even though its newsworthiness is indisputable: a benign substance occurring in nature destroys deadly brain tumors.”
    Why the media blackout? For starters, all of these studies were conducted overseas. And secondly, not one of them has been acknowledged by the U.S. government.
    U.S. KNEW IN ’74… AND AGAIN IN ’96!
    This wasn’t always the case. In fact, the first ever experiment documenting pot’s anti-tumor effects took place in 1974 at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government. The results of that study, immortalized in an August 18, 1974 Washington Post newspaper feature, were that “THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”
    Despite these favorable preliminary findings, U.S. government officials banished the study, and refused to fund any follow up research until conducting a similar – though secret – study in the mid-1990s. That study, conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program to the tune of $2 million concluded that mice and rats administered high doses of THC over long periods had greater protection against malignant tumors than untreated controls. However, rather than publicize their findings, government researchers shelved the results – which only became public one year later after a draft copy of its findings were leaked in 1997 to the journal AIDS Treatment News, which in turn forwarded the story to the national media.
    Nevertheless, in the nearly eight years since the completion of the National Toxicology trial, the U.S. government has yet to fund a single additional study examining pot’s potential as an anti-cancer agent.
    Fortunately, researchers at Madrid, Spain’s Complutense University, School of Biology have generously picked up where U.S. researchers so abruptly left off. In 1998, the research team – led by investigator Manuel Guzman – discovered that THC can selectively induce program cell death in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting the surrounding healthy cells. Then in 2000, Guzman’s team reported in the journal Nature Medicine that injections of synthetic THC eradicated malignant gliomas (brain tumors) in one-third of treated rats, and prolonged life in another third by six weeks. A commentary to the study noted that the results were the first to convincingly demonstrate that cannabis-based treatments may successfully combat cancer.
    Today, Guzman believes that enough favorable clinical evidence exists supporting pot’s anti-cancer properties to warrant clinical trials in humans. “The scientific community has gained substantial knowledge of the palliative and anti-tumor actions of cannabinoids during the past few years,” Guzman wrote in the October 2003 issue of Nature Reviews Cancer. “Anti-tumor compounds should selectively affect tumor cells [and] it seems that cannabinoids can do this, as they kill [malignant] tumor cells but do not affect their non-transformed counterparts and might even protect them from cell death. … As cannabinoids are relatively safe compounds, it would be desirable that clinical trials using cannabinoids … could accompany [ongoing] laboratory studies to allow us to use these compounds in the treatment of cancer.” Guzman concludes the article by noting that the Spanish Ministry of Health recently approved a human clinical trial – the first ever – aimed at investigating the effects of intracranially administered THC on the life expectancy of volunteers suffering from malignant brain tumors.
    “Cannabinoid research continues to show tremendous potential in the treatment of cancer,” summarizes University of Southern California professor Mitch Earleywine, author of the book Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence. However, he laments that the “vast majority of this work originates outside the United States, often in countries that lack our economic and scientific advantages. Let’s hope that our drug policy won’t stymie the battle against the second leading cause of death in America.”
    Indeed. Let’s not add a potential treatment for cancer to the ever-growing list of victims of pot prohibition.

    You might also enjoy:
    I smoke pot and I like it by Will Wilkinson of the CATO Institute

117 thoughts on “Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974

  1. I have been on the cure for 2 years i take the size of a pea in the morning
    my diabetes numbers have dropped from 16 to 7
    my glacoma eye pressures have dropped to 18 from 28
    i have lost 80 lbs
    i also ingest hemp hearts daily
    this is the most amazing product using a natural product the seed inside the male hemp seed cases
    the list of vitamin ,omega 3 6 9 ,20 % protein, most of b vitamins
    that you sprinkle on salad, yogurt , eat in oat mea,l in mashed potatoes with 5 tsp hemp hearts is 20 % of your protein for the day
  2. President Barack Obama
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, D.C. 20500
    An Open Letter to President Obama
    A Travesty of Justice Occurs:
    When cannabis is intentionally miss-scheduled by the Federal government, as having no medical use and not safe under a physician’s supervision, despite mountains of scientific evidence proving multiple medical uses and safety, unsurpassed by any man-made medication.
    When scientific medical study of cannabis is prevented by the government to perpetuate intentional miss-scheduling of cannabis.
    When intentional miss-scheduling of cannabis is used by local government to profit from seized property and incarceration of citizens, and deny them the right of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
    When police seize legally purchased property prior to court appearance or a chance to defend your self in court (establishes guilt prior to proving innocence).
    When police act as the judicial branch of the law and become Judge and Jury.
    When police and local government profit from property seizure, giving motive to hunt the public and find you guilty. By human nature, this profit motive will turn a “good man bad”.
    I am a retired cardiovascular surgeon, who has been targeted and victimized. I have lost my Freedom and Constitutional Right to Bail, which limits my ability to defend myself. I have lost my family, my career, my property, my family photos and heirlooms, and everything I worked for my entire life. Police have made public statements, indicating I am guilty, prior to court, and placed false photos in local media, showing marijuana plants, when none were found! This, and the profit motive, will prevent me from receiving a fair trial. I have been subjected to cruel treatment, which amounts to physical and mental torture.
    Jimmy Carter stated, “The punishment should not be more than the harm to society by the drug (medicine)”. If no laws are broken by the personal use of marijuana, then property seizure and taking freedom from citizens, is itself a crime. I am a P.O.W. in the war on drugs; the war against our own citizens. Stop the War!…Reschedule Cannabis as a medicine. If I could give my life so this would not happen to others, I would. President Obama, I say this to you, “Give me Liberty or Give me Death!”
    David B. Allen, M.D.
    July 21, 2010
    If you agree with this, please print & sign your name, and include your address – and send a copy to President Obama (see address above)…please send original signature to President Obama.
    If you would, please send me copies of your signed letter to President Obama to both addresses listed below – one to me directly, and one to my office.
    Together we can change our nation’s view on natural medicine.
    “Don’t tell me Cannabis isn’t medicine” motto of David B. Allen, M.D.
    Print Name: _________________________________
    Sign Name& Date : _________________________________
    Address: ____________________________________
    City, State & Zip ____________________________________
    S.C.R.C. F.
    David B. Allen, M.D. (2009120099)
    M Zone, Rack 10
    1420 Industrial Park Dr.
    Wiggins, MS. 39577
    David B. Allen, M.D.
    c/o: 3830 Auburn Blvd., Suite C
    Sacramento, Ca. 95821
    *Concerned Californians for Medical Cannabis (C.C.M.C.)*
    • I really don’t care if it cures cancer or not. It should not be illegal. nor should any drug. There should be appropriate legislation to control its use by minors and to provide quality controls for consumers and even government sponsors advertising to warn of it’s dangers. But making it illegal is an infringement of our human rights to do what we want with our lives. This applies to ALL drugs, and indeed all potentially self-harmful activities
      • Everyone should care, cos it does cure cancer and many other diseases. The government or the powers higher than that have taken away your right to stop this horrible disease, while selling their drugs inc tobacco and alcohol and other pharmaceuticals, radio therapy and such for a very high profit. WHY are we letting them do this, we must be insane!!!! If we accept their bull that they intentionally drill intoo us to control our minds ind thinking patterns, belief systems and what we think to be true. I want the proof to be seen by everyone, to know that they have been brainwashed by the government. nuff said:-)
      • I fully agree with your statements Olli but you should also care as Cannabis does cure cancer and when you have lost your Father, Aunties, uncles and friends like I have to Cancer then you also will get why we care so much. ( I sincerely pray this don’t happen to you buddy).
        • Then thats everything then Mr. Sarcastic.”" Cannabis is Medicinal for the whole Human not just to cure but to prevent, enlighten, and protect each and every being on this planet. It is the #1Food, #1 Fuel, #1 Medicine, #1 Clothing and thousands of other things humans need love care about and interact with.
          There is Enough, and Enough is Enough
  3. OK, I can be open-minded enough to believe that a naturally-occurring substance can create health or fight cancer. However, I find it hard to believe that none of the rats “got the munchies” or gained weight! :-)
    “Food and water intake as well as body weight gain were unaffected during and after cannabinoid delivery.”
  4. governments arent interested in cures or anything that might make the world peacefull thats why they hate cannabis
  5. I demand that the United States Government stand trial for war crimes against
    Crimes that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American citizens,
    and if proven that the Govt. had infact willfully and decietfully hidden life
    saving information for any reasons, throughout what they chose to label
    “the drug war”,that the officials in current posistions of keeping the laws intact
    be charged for contributing to these deaths.
    The elected officials proclaimed “war” with lies to the american citizens, when
    infact had knowledge since 1974 to the contrary, yet chose to let the citizens die.
    If the average citizen willfully took away a medicine (such as insulin) knowing that
    the results could mean death, then that citizen would be tried to the fullest extent of
    the law for murder.
    I ask that given the role of the accused, they be held for treason.
    This is not a joke, nor a drummed up exaggeration.
    I, as a citizen of the United States Of America, want the accused to stand trial
    for such a gross display of power and expect the harshest of punishments for
    crimes of war and treason.
    Mr. Obama, I ask that you hold yourself accountable and assist in bringing others
    to justice as well.
    • i am complelty with you on this i am 15yrs old and i understand that many of you who read this are going to laugh and just think of this as some pothead who doesnt know what hes talkin about. But the government should be put on trial. Everyday police are taking rights away from citizans of the US. Police brutality, Seize of property. the “proving” of guilty before a trial…….These are things that need to be changed. the power of the government and police should be put in the hand of the countrys citazins. This is a country for the people and by the poeple. The people need to be in control of thier own lives. This artical is currect the police are taking part of the Judge and the Jury. Acts of War have been committed and that can not be denied. i have been doing my own research on marijuana and how it can help us in many ways for many years. i have just began smoking marijuana about 3yrs ago and i have noted many of my feelings during the “high” as well as had my own fun :) and i can concluded that nothing bad has occured durning my time smoking marijuana. Another point i want to make before i end this thread is WE THE PEOPLE DID NOT WANT WAR…… thank you for your time if you want to contact me about this thread or chat about marijuana and the wonders that it holds please reach me
    • here here. What i don’t get is this. what does phizer got on the gov’t? kickbacks? the multimiliion dollar band aid? is rexall a private company or is it government funded? quite obviously the governing factions are owned by the pharmacuetical companies. got any balls, Obama? mr. Harper? nevermind steven. almost forgot you used to run the reform party. oh and nevermind obama. you’re in BP’s pocket. just saying. By the way. mebbe you should email me, oh holy heads of state. or better yet. just come out of her. sorry. you shits are too busy cashing in on the middle east.
  6. im leo im 30yrsold im a bradicardic my heart rate is less than 60 wich abnormal and when i smoke canabis my haert rate is geting normal so im glad and im proud that canabis cure haert deseas.
    • There are several form of cancer Cannabis has been shown to heal – lungs, brain and breast. Marley had cancer on his foot.
    • maybe when u smoke it it cures the lungs, if his toe had smoked it, hed prolly be fine. Forreal tho i know what ur saying, however i believe it all about how it is administered.
    • The reason he died from cancer could be 1. the THC was not gave in the correct way to kill the cancer he had. You see his cancer started in his foot smoking marijuana does not have as reliably effect as actually putting extract THC on the infected part or injecting it. So the cancer spread slowly because the small amount of THC in his body was actually fighting the cancer cells off. Another reason is that his was caused by an infection he got from hurting his toe in soccer, which is much different from most cases of cancer. Try this out for yourself if you don’t believe it has cancer fighting benefits. If you have a cancerous Mole or even a none cancerous mole get THC extract put it on a band-aid put the band-aid on the area where the mole is keep re applying it for about a week once a day and your mole will be gone cancerous or not.
    • Bob Marley died from a fatal case of gangrene, after he suffered a severe laceration on his toe, but refused to have it treated because the rastafarian religion condemned medical treatment. Not Cancer.. Get your facts straight
    • ossie you are finally the first one that is at least critical. i don’t believe anything of this. i know people who smoked cannabis most of their lives and still got cancer this is a piece of BS pseudo science!!!
      • many people can argue aginst your story mr Kurt (nice name Kurt Cobain is one of my favorite songwriters) i have known many people who smoked marijuana w/out cancer and never developed cancer as well as known a handful of poeple who do smoke marijuana w/cancer and live longer than the doc said they would saying tht many of these people were my own family
      • If you watch the Rick Simpson documentary called ‘Run from the Cure’ – on youtube – you will see that the smoking of cannabis is not the remedy… it is the oil!
      • Dont be so ignorant. As someone has mentioned, the doses used are far greater than the dosage people get from smoking pot. And there are numerous types of cancer of which some may or may not be effected by cannabis. As with any drug treatment, it is highly controlled in a lab setting and it must be determined at what dose and frequency it is given to be effective. It is obviously in very preliminary stages of development for cancer treatment but they don’t do their research by giving people a bunch of joints and tell them to go home and see what happens.
    • Cannabis effects the body differently depending on how it is taken in. Smoking marijuana and ingesting marijuana ( via food stuffs or oils ) do very different things to your body and your brain. If you have a look at most of the stories and testimonials on this site, they say that they are using cannabis oils or ingesting it in some way.
      Also Bob Marley got cancer in his big toe and Rastafarians believe you should not amputate any part of your body. He could of lived if they chopped his toe off but that would of meant he’d of gone against everything he believed in. Unfortunately it took his life after spreadings to other organs in his body.
  7. Well I think that marijuana has a really bad rap just like Pitbulls. I had a Pitbul and it was the best experience I ever had in my life besides having my four children. Why is it that when something is good, somebody always has to make it seem so bad and horrible. I have known and met people that do use it and they are more human then the so called human. No need to over do to feel the effect. Its all about control, those with addictive tendencies should not try this method. I think that those that do smoke pot will be the
    ones that will survive at any tragic event in this world…Just think/
  8. Yet more evidence documenting the medical benefits of THC, the active chemical, in cannabis. As usual, big business in USA and, in particular, the pharmaceutical, companies, don’t want this news to be widely publicised. When will America wake up and legalise but control cannabis in much the same way that it does with tobacco?
    • b/c if the government had control over marijuana it will become as harmful as the avg cig. tabacco isnt all tht bad for you (in natural aspect) until the tabacco companies spread all these chemicals and fertalizers over the tabacco plants which is the givin to us though the smoke we inhale from a cig……if the government had control over marijuana the same thing would happen decriminolization is the key my friend…let the dealers keep dealing and buyers keep buying just w/out the jail time
  9. Very interesting I must say. I watched ‘the union’ yesterday. I highly recommend it, it really shows to what extent the government has and will go in order to protect its core beliefs. As with the Vietnam, hippies were targeted for marijuana possession and growers and even people who spoke in favour of cannabis were excruciated in the media for undermining the US government. It’s a load of bullshit that the Western world is said to have complete freedom of anything, whether press, speech or thought. We are all succumbed to government influence and pressured by media ideology. Millions of taxpayer money is used on rehabilitating involuntary people caught with marijuana, imprisoning marijuana users and on prosecuting anyone who has any sort of relation or connection to it. The black market of drugs is booming, especially for marijuana, and it is illegal! Imagine if it could be decriminalized or legal
    It is a dangerous game because so much effort, time and money is spent on prosecuting people with a drug that shouldn’t even be illegal yet the media makes it seem that marijuana smoking is worse than murder or rape. Also, even sex offenders can be put off criminal records yet marijuana users have to abide that using some herb for personal use can have a detrimental effect on not only their future but also their families and friends when the truth says, they are not bad people at all. Of course you have bad marijuana people but have you ever heard of domestic violence or violent behaviour caused by marijuana users? No. The irony of it all is, so much shit is said about alcohol and so much rage is caused by it but it remains legal despite all the obvious indications that it is worse than marijuana, both short term and long term. A glass of wine a day doesn’t kill anyone, I’m not saying that but weed has never killed anyone. Whether in large or small quantities.
    The war on drugs is as hopeless as the Vietnam war. It’s game over. What we need is a new way of running things. CCTV, espionage on consumer behaviour, human rights abuse are constantly happening in our daily lives yet we don’t even realize. Sooner or later things will get out of control and the new generation, which I am part of, will have to pay for all the mistakes the old generation made.
    This isn’t only about marijuana and legalizing or decriminalizing it, it’s about reaching out to people about why they are stuck in a bubble between reality and fiction. We are in a recession, which has hit the world worse than ever before yet so much is spent on pursuing hopeless paths.
    Want change?
    It takes everyone of us.
  10. check it yourself. If you are on a jury in a trial about someone in possesion of marijauna, a federal offense, regardless if there is overwhelming evidence against this person, if you feel that the law is unjust in which they are being tried, regardless of the crime, you have the right to vote not guilty.
  11. Turmeric, Ginger, cannabis,
    I was a dead man walking..
    Gastro-intestinal & lung metastisis. stage IV..
    complete clinical response
    Same with my buddy that had pancreatic & liver
    Good docs, great facilities and an enlightened oncologist
    The canabis also helped with nausea as did the ginger & tomato juice
    /don’t kid yourself..
    marinol whatever
    • Look into Rick Simpson’s ‘hemp oil’ and be sure to read the testimonials. You can get it at your local dispensary. From what i understand, the very high levels of cannabiniods one needs to heal cancer cannot be obtained by smoking. Hemp oil is very concentrated – a pea-sized amount every day is recommended by Simpson and others who have healed their cancer with cannabis.
  12. This is overstated. WAY overstated. I agree we should legalize it for any use, and regulate it the way we regulate alcohol (a much more dangerous, addictive, and impairing drug).
    This article, however, betrays a major misunderstanding of the studies it quotes. These are not cures for cancer. At best they are just another potential pharmaceutical tool to use in cancer treatment. It is doing our cause a great disservice to keep screaming that cannabis is a panacea, when it is most definitely not. Like many plants it is just a tool. It makes some interesting chemicals and we can find uses for them. Just because the plant makes you feel good when you inhale it while it burns doesn’t mean the plant cures cancer or diabetes or anything. You have to follow the science, and the science does NOT say this cures cancer. The fact that this study was done shows that research isn’t banned, for one. That at least is good news. So enough with the over-hype of this drug.
    • Cannabis CURES Cancer PERIOD! You obviously haven’t seen these videos: -Vitamin Cannabis
      -Cured Too:A Cannabis Story
      -Run From The Cure
    • Seriously… I must say you are not well informed. I agree with one thing though and that is to spread news of something that may not work and give false hope. HOWEVER this is not the real case here. Certain strains of Marijuana contains the cancer killing/curing/healing chemical CBD and CBN and more. THESE are the ones that has proven to be most efficient for cancer tumors. Please do comment when you have the facts straight sir.
    • smoking marijuana and ingesting marijuana do very different things to your body and your brain. People will hear about marijuana curing cancer and immediately jump to the conclusion that you smoke it in order to be cured. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Ingesting marijuana distributes it round your body more effectively than smoking it.
      There is no over-hype of this drug. Please watch some of the testimonials at the top of this page. Marijuana if handled and delt with correctly and responsibly, without bias opinions, can be a medical miracle and from the statistics and evidence given so far about medical marijuana, I would much, much rather ingest cannabis oil, then be pumped full of vile, harmful radiation.
  13. Two packs a day for 40 plus years, family full of current and former potheads with tobacco addictions, and never as much as a melanoma in the bunch. Won’t protect you from COPD, however.
  14. The federal government (in addition to Big Pharma and Prison Unions) makes too much money keeping marijuana illegal. How could they justify the massive expenditures fighting the war on drugs if marijuana was legal. There simply isn’t enough of a problem with all other drugs combined to justify the budgets set yearly for the DEA and local law enforcement without marijuana on their list. DEA, Police, DA’s,Judges, Jails, Parole Officers, drug tests, fines, seizure of property…they would all be out of jobs or the need for them lessened to such an extent that they will never vote to legalize it. Doing so would put them out of a job, so simply in the interest of self preservation they will never back its legalization. Obama caved to his own personal and public beliefs about marijuana once he got in office. The lobbyists from pharma, prison unions, law enforcement, the religious right, were such a financial power to his getting elected and staying for a possible 2nd term that he could not ignore them, and therefore flipped on his position prior to election.
    The united states is the biggest drug dealer of them all. And the biggest killer of people world wide with what we already export. The fact is that we market and sell something that kills more people annually in this country and world wide than Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine and all prescription drugs combined. So its apparently not about the safety of substances, or their addictive potential that causes us to determine policies of what we market and sell world wide. Product X is something that is smoked, is legal, regulated, marketed and distributed around the world and kills 430,000 Americans and 5 million worldwide (not total ever… but EACH YEAR!). Product Y is another substance that is smoked and has never once been reported to be the cause of death in 10,000 years of known use, yet is illegal basically world wide and thousands of people around the world are prosecuted and millions persecuted for its use. Can anyone guess what product X and product Y are? If you can your prize is that you have now been freed from the nonsense and are able to with an open mind seek out more information about why our government does these seemingly illogical things?
    If marijuana has not been tested to the governments satisfaction, why don’t they test it. Many tests have already been conducted that show its success and benefits. Why do they ignore the tests that have already been conducted? The fact is that enough research already exists to support marijuana’s positive benefits in all aspects of life. Funding more studies that would show similar results to what all the other studies have already shown would be counterproductive to their agenda stated above.
    The only way to get past this nonsense is to get out this November and vote for what you believe in, get involved in speaking out to everyone you know. We can no longer afford to be “Closet Tokers”. We have all been fed a line of BS for generations about this amazing plant. Be proud that you have taken the step to knowledge and no longer believe everything you are spoon fed by the government and media. Think critically about what you are told, educate yourself, educate others and vote to elect open minded individuals that will support the logical conclusions you find the answers to.
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Budman Bill.
  15. The federal government (in addition to Big Pharma and Prison Unions) makes too much money keeping marijuana illegal. How could they justify the massive expenditures fighting the war on drugs if marijuana was legal. There simply isn’t enough of a problem with all other drugs combined to justify the budgets set yearly for the DEA and local law enforcement without marijuana on their list. DEA, Police, DA’s,Judges, Jails, Parole Officers, drug tests, fines, seizure of property…they would all be out of jobs or the need for them lessened to such an extent that they will never vote to legalize it. Doing so would put them out of a job, so simply in the interest of self preservation they will never back its legalization. Obama caved to his own personal and public beliefs about marijuana once he got in office. The lobbyists from pharma, prison unions, law enforcement, the religious right, were such a financial power to his getting elected and staying for a possible 2nd term that he could not ignore them, and therefore flipped on his position prior to election.
    The united states is the biggest drug dealer of them all. And the biggest killer of people world wide with what we already export. The fact is that we market and sell something that kills more people annually in this country and world wide than Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine and all prescription drugs combined. So its apparently not about the safety of substances, or their addictive potential that causes us to determine policies of what we market and sell world wide. Product X is something that is smoked, is legal, regulated, marketed and distributed around the world and kills 430,000 Americans and 5 million worldwide (not total ever… but EACH YEAR!). Product Y is another substance that is smoked and has never once been reported to be the cause of death in 10,000 years of known use, yet is illegal basically world wide and thousands of people around the world are prosecuted and millions persecuted for its use. Can anyone guess what product X and product Y are? If you can your prize is that you have now been freed from the nonsense and are able to with an open mind seek out more information about why our government does these seemingly illogical things?
    If marijuana has not been tested to the governments satisfaction, why don’t they test it. Many tests have already been conducted that show its success and benefits. Why do they ignore the tests that have already been conducted? The fact is that enough research already exists to support marijuana’s positive benefits in all aspects of life. Funding more studies that would show similar results to what all the other studies have already shown would be counterproductive to their agenda stated above.
    The only way to get past this nonsense is to get out this November and vote for what you believe in, get involved in speaking out to everyone you know. We can no longer afford to be “Closet Tokers”. We have all been fed a line of BS for generations about this amazing plant. Be proud that you have taken the step to knowledge and no longer believe everything you are spoon fed by the government and media. Think critically about what you are told, educate yourself, educate others and vote to elect open minded individuals that will support the logical conclusions you find the answers to.
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Budman Bill.
  16. it’s all about genetics and dna . some people might cure from it but still find it hard to believe. theres also cases where people spontaniously cure from cancer without any medication too. cancer is a complicated desease. so lets not get carried away here .
  17. There is a big difference between studies where animals are INJECTED with THC and humans smoking marijuana.
    Also….I’ve never smoked…and also don’t have a melanoma. Anecdotes swing both ways.
    • United States government patent #6630507 (2003) Have none of you done any research on this subject? Cannabis cures almost every disease known to mankind. No not by smoking it. Two ways to ingest it, oil and raw (juicing). You can also apply it topically. I suggest watching 3 videos.1. Run From The Cure 2. Cannabis Leaf 3. Cured Too:A Cannabis story (A film by David Triplett). Know the truth it’s out there!
  18. so cool I have been in a serious argument over this. A simple comment that “it’s Just a bag of buds” has me fuming today. thank you for this article. I needed to know other’s believe how I am here alive today.
  19. After researching this kind of information and all other health related suppression’s and all government/multi-national corporate cover up’s and conspiracies for over 5 years, it makes sense to believe it because after all, Big Pharma = Big Fraud and big fraud is BIG BU$INE$$!!! Google it and see for yourself. Cancer fraud, selling sickness, big pharma and drug industry, unholy alliance…
  20. Hi There,
    I have a close friend who has bone cancer and came across THC Oil as a possible solution. I live in Holland so I’m able to make it. I use 25 grams of totally natural Marijuana (no pesticides, chemicals) and 100% alcohol and distill these together. I have him use an eye dropper, and have set a plan for 1 drop a day (on the tongue) and slowly increasing to 3 drops by the end of the month. It has only been a few weeks, but the last checkup showed cancer spread in the bones hasn’t progressed. He also feels a bit better.
    I am not saying this works, but that I am monitoring it and will see. I also see you can’t buy this, which is crazy, so contact Note: It does not make you high, so there is no point buying it for that reason.
    I really think that if you do have a cancer and your trying all options, then it may be worth trying this, plus I would appreciate being able to collect my results which I can publish!
    Let me know please,
    • How is your friend doing after your THC oil treatments? Curious and desperate as my mom has tried everything and we were told she won’t live much longer. I have exhausted every option but I am willing to try anything alternative at this point.
  21. There may be evidence that marijuana is effective against cancer, however, one must also realize that there is extensive evidence that shows there is also a negative effect on the minds ability to think clearly when under the influence of marijuana.
      • you have got to be kidding. “one must also realize there is extensive evidence that shows there is also a negative effect on the minds ability to think clearly when under the influence of marijuana” you think someone who has been sent home to die is worried about feeling stoned for a few hrs? as stated before do your research before commenting, no deaths ever! clinically proven to kill cancer cells. watch the vids above. what do you think happens to their thought process when these patients are on the cocktail of toxins called CHemo? and the rest of their organs?
    • You mean as opposed to how CLEARLY people think under the influence of alcohol….LOL….LOL. This is the kind of logic, or I should say lack of it, that helps to keep weed illegal. There are 2 reasons weed is still illegal….#1 IGNORANCE……#2 GREED. If you do not want marijuana lega then you are in one of these 2 groups.
    • You need to get your facts straight about marijuana and not listen to the government garbage they make up about it’s harmful effects. Its all bs. Anyway, most, if not all, of the compounds they use for treatment in their research do not have the psychoactive effects of smoking mariijuana. That is only a part of the effects of marijuana and there are many chemicals in the plant that don’t get you “high”.
  22. Im glad I found this page. I am 17 n have been smoking since I was 15. 4 me it started out as an every once in a while thing but now I do it frequently. Its not because Im addicted, it just happens to be something I do socially and enjoy doing with my friends. In the recent months Ive been researching and asking myself, why am I smoking it, why and how does it get me high, and why is it illegal. Is it doing something bad to the body like everyone says, or can it be conducive. I feel creative when Im high, less stressed, not angry, happy and positive. One thing I had never payed attention to is if I was ever injured, I felt better faster and could work through my injuries. Even during my workout time I would smoke a little and experiment and see what I could and couldnt do while working out. And to my surprise I could do everything I did sober while I was high. Even in class I do very well in my work and can focus better not to mention even when I take a test “stoned” or “high as a kite” I still pass them with flying colors. I’ve been a slight cigarette smoker and a heavy drinker (socially and controllable) and I believe that compared to those things, weed is the least of anyones worries. Unlike liquor and strong alcohol, weed cant cause kidney failure, unlike tobacco, it kills lung cancer instead of killing you, unlike crack cocaine (tried once didn’t like it), doesnt cause people to become junkies and destroy themselves and change into addicts (something that doesn’t happen with weed). I may be 17 but I’m a 17 year old knowledgeable of what I put in my body and what it can do for me and other people. There are different strains of it that can do other things too. It can help nausea, appetite, anxiety, stress, insomnia (something over half of americans deal with nightly I know I have before), depression, chronic pain and now evidential proof of it killing Cancer. My Native American ancestors did it, as well as my West Indie ancestors, as well my Jamaican ancestors, and as well as some of our most prominent figures. It didn’t pop out of nowhere its been here for plenty of years. N plenty of generations from B.C had time to dabble with it and research it on their own. It didnt cause their society to collapse and cause the end of civilization. From Dinosaurs, to cavemen, and other things that havent made it to now, Marijuana has. It could have been used sooner to stop Cancer, more money could have gone to research to make it better and find the perfect cure for it instead of raiding clinics, and putting fellow smokers in jails and making more jails and bailing out big business. Cancer maybe the culprit in the killing of thousands of Americans, but the Government is gladl assisting it.
    • Aminda, thanks for your thoughtful reply. I have explored the menagerie of psychoactive substances, synthetic and natural, and ended up with much more curiosity than certainty about the benefit or harm of them. Cannabis isn’t a cure all, we aren’t necessarily doing the “right” thing by depending upon any psychoactive compound to provide greater happiness than is thought possible without. I appreciate your thoroughness, ancestors and multiple areas considered; quite important is a question you hinted on: “… why is it illegal.”
      Many of us are aware that Jack Herer implicated a collusion involving the CEO of DuPont and the director of the DEA with an editor at the New York Times to propagandize for an industrial coup to sabotage the hemp industry and replace it’s products with chemically processed alternatives. Reefer Madness, bless them, gives unintended comic relief from the lobby that would pass one of the most destructive laws, environmentally and in terms of civil liberties, ever to tinge the governments of the world with fascist intervention in the lives of peaceable citizens.
      The primary concerns today, environmentally, are greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere which is exacerbated by deforestation and desertification. Hemp makes a Higher Quality paper and it doesn’t require chemicals to grow, harvest or process the hemp crop. Wood pulp, for which ancient forests have been extensively felled and chipped, initially began being processed with a chemical compound patented by DuPont. That corporation’s nylon rope patent also coincided with the paper processing compound and sabotage of the American and consequently the world hemp industry.
      In that era, America was a globally dominating empire and has since lost influence over many previously subordinate nations. Many have reclaimed their sovereignty and replanted their hemp industries. Prohibitive interference in Americans’ personal choice to engage in recreational, ritual or medicinal use was conflated with the hemp industry and contributed, to a decimating degree, to America’s declining prosperity.
      Why is it illegal? The legal system in America is arguably deeply inebriated under corporate influence; in fact, the political system has tended to proportionally benefit the wealthy owning class into absurd exorbitance while depriving the working class toward and beyond desperate impoverishment. GreeSo, greed has brought about the
  23. sorry about that … I was writing that greed amid other defections of human error have prevented “the freest nation on Earth” from cultivating the most useful plant on earth. What a shit deal!
  24. ok, i’m a great marijuana lover, but i must notice something, and ask u:if marijuana has positive effects, or if u prefer cures cancer, then how the heck bob marley died of cancer????? pls explain it
  25. who can i talk to about getting this treatment? and how do you get i through the hospital door without getting arrested? lol
    • I have no answers for you here, but you might want to research the work of Rick Simpson – he has a website and YouTube channel, and he is accessible for questions through his website “Phoenix Tears”.
  26. I’m doing a story on Medical Marijuana in the New York’s metro area (New Jersey, NYC, and Long Island) for a local PBS station if you live in that area and would be interested in being featured in my piece, please let me know.
  27. If pot can cure cancer it should be legalize but only to doctors to help cancer patients.They should not legalize it to people.People abuse it & comitt crimes. The goverment lets these companys sell tobacco & alchol & it causes cancer. Yet they won’t legalize pot to help people live. This is wrong.
  28. I can assure you that cannabis has the potential to be both the cause and cure of cancer in certain circumstances. I have witnessed enough cases of chronic pot smoking human males developing breast cancer. Testicular cancer is also another which seems to occur frequently in chronic smokers. Yet I have also witnessed pot smokers afflicted with cancer who smoked throughout their entire treatment and went on to live a normal lifespan. It would be important to examine the facts, and then however disconcerting they may be, move forward in that direction.
    There are a number of substances apart from marijuana that show potential for interfering with the chronic dysplasia and inflammation that precedes cancer.
    Remember, cancer is often the result of exposure to radiation. The altered DNA + a degeneration of apoptosis function. Curing it has been described as firing a laser from the moon to stop a record from skipping inside a house on earth.
    Mutation is one of the basic components of life. Things mutate, and occasionally the mutation is beneficial. Without radiation, there would be no life.
    What is of essential importance is to study the mechanisms of remission, or cases where the disease suddenly retreated.
    If cannabis does affect mortality, it may be due to the person’s mental state. Cannabis is a mild psychedelic which activates the spiritual pathways of the brain, It is a interesting and popular drug which can be shown to induce creativity, self-evaluation, feelings of connectedness and fascination. It also induces a temporary positive state of mind.
    It can also impair learning and motivation with daily use. Chronic users can become self-asborbed, oblivious and develop slow reactions and thinking.
    It is important not to allow the fondness for the drug to interfere with the scientific analysis of it. When Johannes Kepler discovered that earth actually revolved around the sun, it was by accident. He was actually trying to prove that the planets were related to the five platonic solids. Eventually he found evidence that his theory on the platonic solids was wrong.
    Despite his passion, and his lifelong commitment to this theory, he accepted the cold, hard facts. He accepted that the facts had dismissed his theory as a delusion, and he moved forward. Only then did he discover that the planets revolved around the sun, That way of thinking is the heart of all science.
    • Would love to see a reference for the cannabis/men’s breast cancer link.
      As for the testicular cancer link:
      Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research in Seattle matched 369 men with of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) with 979 healthy controls. Here’s what they found.
      Men who self-reported having “ever used” marijuana had no statistically significant risk of testicular cancer compared to healthy controls who never used pot.
      Men who reported currently using marijuana at least once per week, and who had started smoking pot prior to age 18, had an elevated risk compared to controls of contracting a type of testicular cancer known as nonseminoma.
      Sounds scary, huh? Well here’s the catch.
      According to the federal government, millions of people smoke marijuana regularly. By contrast, diagnoses of nonseminoma, which typically affects males between the ages of 15 and 34, are extremely rare.
      How rare?
      Nonseminomas account for fewer than one half of one percent of all cancers among American men.
      Further undermining the study’s hypothesis is this: Since the 1970s, the percentage of American males smoking pot has climbed dramatically. By contrast, incidences of nonseminoma have risen only nominally during this same time period.
      Of course, this is hardly the first time the mainstream media has jumped ugly on cannabis. Around this same time last year, news outlets from Reuters to Fox News declared that marijuana posed a greater cancer risk than cigarettes. Only problem was that the study they were reporting on actually demonstrated the opposite.
  29. wake up people ,before its too late , cannabis is the answer to many of the worlds problems .be good , be happy , and be aware of the lies your goverment is telling you,cannabis has enormous medical potential . fuck the goverment , fuck big pharma , oh and also fuck Boots the chemists , twats
  30. What’s even worse is the fact that they continue to try and hide the truth from Americans. They fear how they would ever handle 38 years of wrongful death lawsuits because they have withheld the truth that cannabis can shrink tumors and cure certain types of cancer. This is just another example that proves our politicians are all about money for their re-elections, and don’t really care people. If they had any compassion at all, they would at least have medical cannabis legalized in all 50 states already, rather than putting sick people in prison for possessing marijuana to help with their pain or cancer. The politician’s priorities are completely out of whack. Their oath of office states they swear to protect us and uphold the Constitution, yet they are actually lying to us by withholding the truth. At the same time, they are sending billions of dollars to countries around the world to countries that don’t even like us, rather than helping Americans. The only time they want to deal with the public is when they need more money or your vote!
    This is the main reason that President Obama, Mitt Romney, and countless other politicians continue to avoid, and will not allow the media or anyone to even ask questions about cannabis, so they continue to tell lies and try to make cannabis out as something evil. If somebody does happen to get a question in to them, they act like they don’t even hear it and walk off. They especially don’t want to be confronted about it right now before the election! The thing about it is, there is no better time to confront politicians than during elections!!! During an election is the only time we will be able to get anything accomplished with politicians. For the benefit of all Americans, we need to rise up and demand that laws be changed NOW, because there is no better time to confront politicians than during elections!!!
    For the sake of all Americans, please rise up and make this an issue now, before voting. If you don’t, then it could be you, your parents, grandpa or grandma, brother or sister that needs the help of this miracle plant.
  31. Well, according to Rick Simpson, who created “hash oil” (a very very concentrated form of cannabis) if you already have cancer, the amount of cannabinoids you need cannot be ingested by smoking. You literally couldn’t smoke enough. However there is substantial evidence that shows smoking marijuana does have protective effects against cancer. So would other forms like edibles, and tincture.
    Edibles taken before bed (or during the day) is a good idea for those who use the medicine but don’t want the paranoia.
  32. Why is the video by Dr Lorraine Day included in the video’s above listed as proof that cannabis cures cancer. This lady has bached the pharmaceutical industry and promotes her own 10 steps to cure cancer based on her own anecdotal evidence but will not provide evidence that she actually had cancer when she started this plan. She had had cancer and provides proof of a tumor, then had a lumpectomy and then claims it grew back to grapefruit size at which time she started her 10 step plan and was cured. She refuses to provide proof of this recurrence and instead is gaining financially with potential harm to cancer patients who quit medical treatment. From what little I have read I think her video should be removed from this site, she jas nothing to say about marijuana at all.
  33. It is absolutely insane that Cannabis is illegal, and it’s all because of big business. It’s a crime against mankind, and everybody responsible should be put behind bars. And consider all the people that could never get student loans. All the people that did time in jail for use or possession. Hemp oil should be in every medicine cabinet in the U.S., yet we can’t even get it. People have been CURED of their cancer with hemp oil. CURED! Nobody has ever died of Cannabis use. EVER. And it’s illegal. We live in a fucked up world.

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